There’s a slither of good news to hold hope for. One simple habit can make a huge difference in the long run — recycling with waste.
Every year, around 350 million metric tons of plastic waste are produced globally, with a significant percentage of them ending up in landfills and the oceans, with no other purpose left but to bring further harm to the environment. While this may sound too grim, there’s a slither of good news to hold hope for. One simple habit can make a huge difference in the long run — recycling with waste.
Recycling is the act of reprocessing used materials and transforming them into new, functional products. Here’s how practicing it can benefit us extensively:
Recycling reduces the need to extract raw materials by repurposing old products, which helps preserve energy, water supply, and forests.
Beyond the clear role of recycling with waste reduction, it also aligns with broader sustainability goals, such as creating jobs in the recycling industry and promoting a circular economy where materials are reused instead of constantly extracted from the planet.
Recycling also limits the harmful emissions caused by manufacturing new products.
With the rise of sustainable practices like recycling, more companies are being prompted to explore and develop innovative solutions, such as biodegradable packaging made of cassava starch that can serve as an eco-friendly alternative packaging to plastic.
Despite the benefits, recycling isn’t exactly a flawless system. For example, waste segregation and collection systems are subpar in countries like the Philippines. This is a challenge, as improper waste disposal can contaminate recyclable materials, making it much more difficult to repurpose them.
Aside from this, not having the appropriate infrastructure — a pressing issue observed in the Philippines — can discourage individuals and businesses from actively participating in recycling initiatives.
So, where do we go from here?
There are simple steps we can take to forward the recycling agenda. For individuals, you can explore:
If you own a business, you can practice the following:
Recycling for waste reduction is a powerful strategy, but why stop there? Another step towards a cleaner, more sustainable future is to go plastic-free and switch to alternative packaging like what we offer at Oikos Sustainable Solutions.
Oikos is the country’s first-ever local manufacturer of cassava and corn-based bags and the only company to receive Environmental Technology Verification from the Department of Science and Technology. Learn more about how we can strengthen your eco-friendly practices by exploring our product line today.