As more eco-friendly businesses switch to using cassava bags, this promising vegetable is gaining popularity outside of the kitchen.
Published August 25, 2022

Cassava is a root vegetable that Filipinos popularly used in many iconic recipes. You have the cassava cake and suman. Of course, we also know it for adding flavor to more savory dishes like sinigang. But did you know that this vegetable is also gaining a new, popular usage outside of the kitchen? It is now used as an alternative packaging to plastic as more and more eco-friendly businesses in the Philippines switch to using cassava bags.

In this article, learn more about what makes these bags an excellent eco-friendly packaging solution. 

Cassava bags are excellent alternatives to plastics given its similar affordability.

The History of Cassava Bags

Cassava bags were first invented by Kevin Kumala in Indonesia, a country that also sells the root vegetable for cheap. Keep in mind that the masses widely prefer single-use plastics because they are cheaper to buy. This made cassava an excellent alternative given its similar affordability. Experts consider these bags as “bioplastic”, which are manufactured and produced using renewable plant materials.

Unlike single-use plastics that emit harmful emission gasses during their production, these bags are easier and better to produce.

How Cassava Starch Bags are Made

Unlike single-use plastics that emit harmful emission gasses during their production, cassava bags are easier and better to produce. It requires the use of cassava starch powdered from the vegetable’s tubers, and other ingredients like vinegar, water, glycerin, and natural oils. Producers mix these raw materials until they form a film, which is then converted into pellets and processed in machines to mold them into plastic bags. Unlike single-use production that releases emissions, the production of bioplastics uses less energy in their manufacturing cycle. 

Cassava bags are a perfect biodegradable packaging option for businesses.

Advantages of Using Bags Made of Cassava

Cassava bags are a perfect biodegradable packaging option for businesses. We list some of its advantages below. 

Eco-friendly alternative to plastic

The top advantage of this alternative packaging to plastic, of course, is that it is friendlier to the environment. Eco-friendly businesses who want to reduce their carbon footprint can switch to them, for example, because these bags offer reduced carbon dioxide levels. They also do not release any toxic gasses when burnt, unlike regular single-use plastics. 

These bags do not leave microplastics when they decompose.


Moreover, cassava bags do not leave microplastics when they decompose. Microplastics are the small particles that plastics break down into, and the culprits behind toxic soil and water leaching as well as the poisoning of wildlife. Instead, cassava starch bags are 100% compostable and naturally biodegradable—leaving 0% toxic residue in the soil once they break down after a shelf period of 3 to 6 months. They are also easily dissolvable in water above 70-80°C.


Last but not least, these bags are not poisonous and toxic, unlike the traditional ones made of harmful chemicals that can cause human poisoning. In fact, cassava bags are safe for animal—and even human—consumption. They are 100% plant-based, after all. 

Oikos makes our cassava bags using 25% vegetable oils and 75% natural starches. In terms of quality, we are at par with traditional plastic bags when it comes to durability.

Why You Should Get Your Cassava Bags from Oikos

Here at Oikos Sustainable Solutions, we offer alternative packaging to plastic that can help you make better choices for the environment. We make our cassava bags using 25% vegetable oils and 75% natural starches. In terms of quality, we are at par with traditional plastic bags when it comes to durability.  

We make affordable options much more accessible with our products available at competitive price points. Oikos also allows sellers to get creative with their packaging. We accept customization orders for when you buy from us in bulk. 

Lastly, we design our products for various purposes and demands. Our cassava starch bags are available as buy bags, clean bags, e-commerce pouches, and trash bags. They can also be used by any business, whether it’s a supermarket, hotel, or hospital. Regular households can also use our products for the daily grind.

Make the first big step in helping the environment by browsing our product page for our packaging solutions.

We are the first local manufacturer of eco-friendly plastic alternatives in the country. As a local business, we want to also help other businesses make the conscious shift to biodegradable packaging for the benefit of the environment. Make the first big step in helping the environment by browsing our product page for our packaging solutions.